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This was awesome - I want more!

Hey dr!ppy! That's amazing to hear! We are planning to create a full game, so if you are interested, follow us on our personal Twitter account for more information soon™


I really like it but its a bit short and maybe difficulty levels

Hey solenoid99, it is! We managed to create and polish this small experience in 48h! But since many people (we included) saw a big potential for this gameplay, we are planning to create a full-fleshed game. Follow us on our personal Twitter account for more news soon™


really cool game! Only a little easy. I think you should make the enemies do 1 full heart of damage and maybe add an extra heart if you do but maybe that doesn't even have to.

Hey Olijff! Thanks for your feedback! We agree, the difficulty is not properly balanced, but we choose to keep it that way for more people to play it to the end since it's a very rough game jam prototype. Consider it a tutorial level that we don't expect you to lose hahaha.


Are you going to make more levels?

Hey xHyperGx, sorry for taking so long to reply! We are expecting to work on a full game, and for that, we are basically gonna start all over again. For more information, follow our personal twitter account that we are planning to share some stuff soon™


Are you two brazillians?

Hey Stellar! Yeap, me and Rodolfo are two Brazilian Game Developers, glad to meet you!


love it! just beat it first try and i loved it!


Hey Ducko! Beat the boss first time too? You are good! Congratulations and thanks for the compliment! :D

yup even the boss! would love if you added more level


this game is the best game of all time

I'm not going to disagree with you but you are bonkers! Thanks so much for the compliment, it means a lot to us!


This is dope, beaten it 3 times now, more levels and i would pay for the extended game.

3 times?? That's crazy! We are super glad that you've enjoyed, it's comments like yours that give us a clear vision that Tower Bag full fleshed game will be a thing in the future!


this is fun

Hey yo n00b, we are glad that you liked it!


Cool mechanic! :D

Hey Luka! Thank you! We are very proud of this tiny idea HAHA!


T'was pretty good

Hey Boberin! Thanks a lot!


I love Tower Defense games and this was a delight.

We are super glad that you liked it Joserbala! We too are very passionate about the genre!



Hey ndd! You are fantastic! Thanks a lot for the compliment


Loved it. (:

Thank you Dam! It means a lot to us :D


Fun game

Hey! Thanks a lot Dani!


This is amazing.

Thanks a lot Mariothedog (you look more like an owl to me tho)


My profile picture is indeed an owl :) To be more specific, Rowlet from Pokémon.

You should be called Rowlettheowl my dude, but I'm not gonna judge


Loved It 

Own, we are super glad that you liked it CribbzDev :3


Im Super Glad You Made It[:


Btw Are You Participating In The GMTK Game Jam 2020?

Yea! Me and my boi Rodolfo are going to be back in action tomorrow :D


Cool!, Good Luck [:

Thanks a lot! <3


Wow... just, amazing!  From the art style to the whole concept. Congrats!

Thanks a lot Sasha! We are happy that you liked it! :D


I really liked it. The idea of moving the turret is really fun, I wish it had double turrets in some level. You did a really good game considering you only had 48 hours.

Thank you so much Pepeco, we also want to explore more turrets (or even a coop experience, that would be awesome), but since the theme for the Jam was "only one", we limited ourselves with the single turret. We do expect to explore more of this concept in a future game! But thanks a lot for the feedback, we really appreciated <3


Great game!

Thanks Orionboi, we're glad that you liked!


Fantastic Game!

Thanks a lot Votron, it means a lot to us <3


Amazing, thank you 

No need to thank! We are glad that you liked BeatQuestGames!


Really enjoyed playing this!

That's awesome Dreading, we are very happy that you liked! :D


I was super impressed with this game. It was a lot of fun. Need a sequel!

We 100% agree that this need a sequel! I'll not promisse dates because I did this in the past and life events are really unpredictable, so I'll just say we will for sure have a full fleshed game in the future, and I hope this future is soon!


marvelous game i enjoyed so much !!!!!


Thanks a lot Madhoux, we're super happy that you liked!


this game is very good I just wish the one off ghost enemy appeared again. He is soo cool

He's indeed very cool, badass af! We will hope to see this enemy and many other new ones on a full fleshed version of this game in the future! Stay tuned, and thanks a lot for the compliment, it means a lot to us!


good game

Thanks Lukerss :)


This game is absulute splendid!!!!

i hope you will expand this project.

Thank you so much PixelBois, it means a lot to us! We do expect turning this demo into a full fleshed game, will let everyone here knows when this happens!


Your game is beautiful and its mechanics are really delicious. Thank you for doing it and I hope you get opportunity to update it

Ownn, thanks a lot Cainitech! Whenever we had any updates regarding improvements or even a completely new game, I'll let everyone here know. Thanks for your kind words!


Love the game good job!

Thanks ImpossibleLemon, we're glad you liked! :D


Great game, good job guys.

Thanks a lot esoop, it means a lot to us!


Hello, I played this game a couple of times so far and I'm having a lot of fun. I'm a huge fan of the tower defense genre and this game is definitely great, I wish I'd see more updates or something like that, as I'm writting this I'm developing my own TD, but with a way different idea.

Anyway, please keep me updated when you're going to add more levels and more stuff, even if this game was short, it was extremely fun to play.

Thanks a lot Razbi! This year has been really crazy for us, specially because we work full time on a game company, so it's hard to keep track on this as a side project. We do expected to turn this demo into a full game for sure, that's clear in my and Rodolfo's mind. In the past I've told everyone that it would be a 2020 release, and I regret promissing that since life was very unpredictable. But as soon as we really start working on this, we are going to ride the train and develop until it's done. I'll let everyone here and on twitter know when this happen! Thanks for your kind words!


Loved the game so much it got me into learning to program games (with Godot). Would be an honour, if you checked out my prototype "Bomberhase" (, which was inspired by Towerbag. Thanks :)

Hey Branko3000! That really makes my day, knowing that something we did inspired you to learn new things and create!

I`ve played Bomberhase but I couldn`t left a comment there or write on the feedback link (it says I don`t have access, probably need to set this up), but here`s my feedback:

Loved the colors and art in general, super simple yet well thought. Vibrant and exciting :D. The spin is also super clever, I imagine that you went with the same idea that we had (tower defense with something that keep you moving), but with a total different perspective. I think this idea has a lot of potential! About the design, the only thing I think it's not clicking is the bomb timer, I do imagine that one of your ideas was for the player to predict where the robot will be and position the bomb related to that. But with the current feedback, is really hard to read how the bomb behaves and how much time you have left for each bomb. Maybe if you put a literal number on the bomb that goes down until 0, or a bar that decreases, I think that would help a lot. (even to understand how the bomb spawn works, it was not clear to me if their time are random or based on something else). The other feedback is all about polishing, have enemies behave in ways that makes you play differently, or even different bombs spawning with different mechanics. I think there are a lot of things to explore on this idea, congratulations, I hope you keep working on this! I've managed to go until wave 9!


Nice to hear from you! I initially wanted to rebuild Towerbag for learning purposes because it had just the scope I needed. But then I was like: You know whats missing? Explosions! So I added explosions. And a rocketlauncher. And rockets. And turret controls. And homing. And then was all way to complicated to play. And then it clicked and now the game is about dropping bombs as a pyromaniac rabbit.

I'll definetly add a decreasing bar to the bombs (and keep the flashing for extra clearance). I haven't yet got a good idea for bomb spawning. Currently it is a fixed pattern with 12 different places on the map, that is rotated through with 3 different bombs. That was to make sure there are always enough bombs on the screen. But I'm leaning towards a timer based approach that will just drop bombs from the sky... Same for enemies, they are super simple at the moment. One more every wave, get tougher and faster. Each one has a random seed between 0 and 1 that sets the toughness to speed ratio (the tougher the slower and vice versa). I'll try to think up some interesting interactions with the enemys and different bomb types next.

Anyways, awesome to hear from you and thanks for the tip with the feedback form, I forgot to make it public...

Branko i was browsing through gamejams playing interesting games and stumbled upon your comment, I quickly created an accout just to reply because i wanted to tell you that the game has a lot of potential, played it 3/4 times and with some polish it could easily be a great full game on steam or even as a mobile game, since for now is pretty short i would suggest taking a look at kingdom rush on the play store, as it implements replayability really well, oh and just to say i would surely buy the game on steam for 2/10 bucks.

Hi Quink, That is nice to hear! I have continued working on it but haven't finished a new version yet. I'll take a look at your suggestion, thank you a lot!


why cant it be longer doh :(

It will be one day Adam! We really want to work more on this, as soon as we have more time to work on it!


A very nice game :D

Thanks a lot Leo!


The best Tower Defense game in my life!

That's a very bold statement for a game so short! But I'm very happy that you enjoyed this, and I promisse you that eventually this will be full fleshed in a complete game 


Please make this into a full game!!!

We will do this JamesPeter, believe! It's a matter of time


I really love this game


Ownn, thanks a lot Chenoavw!


Love the concept, the artwork, and the gameplay was pulling me to play it more and more! Expand this game, you won't regret it!

We are also pretty excited with this concept, thanks a lot Romanbean, as soon as we start working on this I'll keep everyone here updated :D

(1 edit) (+2)

I love this little game and the pixel art is nice. it's highly addictive i'd love to see this expanded into a full game with more power ups and other cool stuff. You should try an expand this and port it for mobile. i feel like it would be pretty popular. it really hits a chord for me. i haven't felt this attracted to (not sure what word to use lol. maybe addictive?) a small web/or mobile game like this simple mechanics since a game for the sidekick cellphone back in the day where you control this bouncing ball around obstacles on screen with the track ball on the phone.

I agree, me and Rodolfo discussed about working on this for mobile vs PC/Console. To be honest, we still haven't decided, both options seems to be really cool to work on. Maybe we can do both, but with different projects? Let's see what comes in the future

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